4 de ago. de 2009

Momentos engraçados

Assalamu Alaykum irmãos e irmãs, boa noite visitantes, esse é para agente rir um pouco, vou postar aqui inshAllah alguns momentos engraçados vividos por algumas irmãs que usam hijab. That is for a little laught, inshAllah some sisters will post funny moments that happened with them while they were wearing hijab. InshAllah conforme for pegando mais depoimentos eu vou postando inshAllah, para postar o seu mande por comentário (no post acima eu ensino como fazer um comentário. To send me your testemonial, make a comment ( i teach how to make a coment on the blog on the top post)

"Assalamu aleykum irmãs. Fiz minha shahada em fevereiro de 2008, mas desde outubro de 2007 eu já estava usando hijab. Um dia ao sair da escola que estava lecionando, percebi que uma senhora em um carro estava com os olhos durinhos em minha direção. Uma aluna que me acompanhava comentou: "FESSORA A MULHER NÃO PARA DE OLHAR PARA A SENHORA..." E percebemos que a mulher nos acompanhava com os olhos ao mesmo tempo que estava ao volante, em fração de segundos escutamos o barulho e qdo nos viramos percebemos que a senhora havia dado uma leve batidinha com o seu carro em outro que se encontrava estacionado. Isso mesmo, a mulher bateu o carro em outro que estava parado.Depois conto mais...Ma salama!"Maryam Aziza

"Tenho muiiitos momentos engraçados, mais se for pra escolher um tem o dia que eu fui ao shopping com uma amiga quando estavamos saindo da c&a um menininho (criancinha mesmo) começou a me chamar moça moça, eu olhei e ele perguntou a senhora é santa? ai a mãe dele disse, não ela não é santa não filho, ai ele disse ela é sim, ela é santa e ta ajudando a moça que ta do lado dela rss, tadinho. Também um dia que estava no Metrô com meu marido e um vendedor de rede começou a perguntar de onde eu era, se podia tirar o hijab, cara na verdade isso foi constrangedor porque todoooo mundo do vagão começou a olhar pra nós e rir da situação, ele também ficou tentando vender rede ao meu marido muito caro falando como se ele fosse gringo, eu abaixei minha cabeça e não queria mais levantar ate ele sair rsss" Aminah Mello

"in my first month a guy on the street was looking on my & smiled at me saying: Godbye Talibana!" Maryam Aquart

"estava tomando um café eu e halima apareceu uma mulher e uma criança ela veio correndo e dizia....HOOO ABENÇOADAS VOCÊS SÃO DA TERRA DE JESUS e dizia ´para a criança que estava ao lado dela ,não incomoda elas minha filha elas nao falar a nossa lingua heheehe" Ayesha de Poa

"Dias atrás entrei no onibus, eu vestia um sobretudo e véu preto, ajudei uma senhora a passar a bolsa pesada para a parte de trás do onibus onde estava uma outra senhora q acompanhava a outra, e no meio do onibus uma terceira senhora me viu e fez o sinal da cruz (cristã/católica)... diante disso, eu não sei se ela achou q eu era uma freira ou se estava se benzendo contra mim :D haha vai ver q achou q eu explodiria o onibus hihi " Aisha Jeane

"É incrível que um lenço a cobrir a cabeça da mulher cause algumas vezes tanta controvérsia na mente das pessoas. A sociedade está tão decadente que a modéstia parece causar um choque numa cultura tão habituada à imodéstia. Por este motivo criam-se fantasias extremamente mirabolantes em relação ao hijab que cobre os nossos cabelos.
*Um dia após sair da mesquita eu e duas irmãs fomos ao café lanchar, o empregado olhou para uma irmã (super branca de olho claro, aparência totalmente europeia!!!) e perguntou:
- Diga-me por favor como se diz marido em indiano?.... (notória influência noveleira das Índias)
*Sinceramente só faltou os grilos a cantar num silêncio profundo assim como nos desenhos animados quando alguém diz algo sem nexo.. é impressionante ver como as pessoas fazem confusão entre indiano/ muçulmano/hindu, e ainda soltam estas "pérolas" como se tivessem muita graça… Claro que a irmã respondeu sem graça que não era indiana mas sim muçulmana, haja paciência!!
Existem situações piores, de ofensa direta e mesquinha, como quando um senhor na rua desatou a rir na cara de uma irmã que ia de hijab e abaya, ou quando eu ia com outra irmã e um homem chamou-lhe de senhora talibã!! A mim por enquanto são apenas olhares, ás vezes mais penetrantes que muitas palavras, no entanto, por mais palavras, insultos e olhares o principal é agradar a Deus e ser submissa a Ele.. não são a essas pessoas que vamos responder no dia do Juízo mas sim a Allah!!' Mafalda

"salam aleikum sisterI had too many crazy stories ,let me try to write at least one ...We also had a thread in sisters only area about it ,I will try to find it inshaAllah One time I was sitting at work on my chair and I was wearing long white Hijab and I remember there was one lady passing by with her little kid ...Well the kid was turning around my chair and then he stopped and was staring at me and then he looked at his Mom and asked pointing at me :"What's that ?" I turned my face and smiled at him and he looked at his Mom again and said :"Oh,that's a woman" His poor mother looked so embarassed ...Kids used to drive me crazy ..One time there was one little girl staring at me and she made her mother to come and ask me what is that thing called that I'm wearing on my head ? One time I was sitting at work and one old man was staring at me and then said :"Are you arab or WHAT?" I simply said 'No"then he turned around and left ...I also been asked very often by people ,if I'm from India? Which was the funniest thing I ever heard ,I'm Russian ,there is no way on the earth I look like Indian One time someone asked me :"how come you are Muslim ,you are white " LOL Very smart question..Of course I been asked if I'm bold ,If I take shower in Hijab ..Very often I been asked that I wear it because I got married and etc...All I learned from this ,is that we need to educate people ,we need to give dawah ,it is our duty to educate them ,because if we won't then who will do it Ok now I wrote more then one story LOL ..I hope it helped " Aisha Anastacia

"one time i was at school and this non-Muslim girl said to me "why do you cover your hair when you women have such beautiful hair""i said we are not suppose to show our hair to stange men"This sister told us that she was inside a store wearing a niqab and a non-Muslim kid said to his mother Is she wearing a halloween costume"

"I was in a mall once and 2 women behind me said "why is she wearing that, shes white" Too bad they dont know Muslim is not a nationality, its a religion, a faith.Ive also been asked if I converted to "my husbands religion" because I married a muslim. And if I wear the hijab because of him and if his family is mad at me for wearing it because again, im white.I'd say the funniest moment was when I was at the zoo I had been holding my 4 month old who had been pulling on my hijab and making it become loose,so as I was leaving the zoo with my husband and children, it had been so loose by then it blew right off, I caught it with my hand and held it wrapped around my head (thankfully I had an underscarf on for that peep show), and as I held it at my chin tightly I pushed the stroller with my other hand.. luckily the car was 2 minutes away in the parking lot! 'Aisha

Salam alaikum sisters, I have had a couple hijab stories. I work in the public in a dept store so I see all kinds of people........ 1. One time a little girl asked me what was that thing on my head....before I answered, her mom said, its a scarf. Isnt it beautiful? Doesnt she have a nice smile and face? I was thinking........"ok, this is nice, Im liking it....."......the girl said, "Are you a girl or boy?".....The mom said, "Oh, come on, can't you see its a girl? ...etc etc?!". She asked why I was wearing it,,,,,I said because I am supposed to....( I never know how to answer young non-muslim children....... ) I said, " you know, The Virgin Mary had a scarf on too, like me.........?!" She looked confused.........Her mother said, "yeah, you know..........like the Virgin Mary......!!!!!!!!!!!!" AGHHHHHHHHH. And, I was doing soooooo good! lol I ended it then........and completed the transaction right away and said thank you. have a nice day!!2. ?" Umm Sami

I was shopping at the local mall once..around the time of holidays in the US..and was ready to check out..I was standing in line with a sister (also a hijabi)..when a lady behind us said to us *excuse me..I have a question..do you wear this thing for Kwanzaa?* (Kwanzaa is a week long celebration of AFRICAN HERITAGE!)I looked at her with utter shock because that was the MOST ignorant comment I had heard that *year*..and it didn't help that she was giving us WEIRD looks as if we were *dirty aliens* even before we got in the line..so I was quite fed up and said to her with a sarcastic tone...*OH YES!!!..it's our custome..the towel for the head is part of it!*My friend began to snicker and the lady immediately sensed that she said something wrong..so she apologized and my friend was in a better mood (luckily) and explained that we wear this because our religion decrees it..I got over the moment quick..until things were ruined again..when the *same lady* saw us walking away after getting checked out..looked at us..and yelled out an enthusiastic..super loud...*HAPPY HANUKKAH!!!* (an 8-day religious holiday celebrated by people of the Jewish faith)At that point..my friend had to pull my arm and get me out of that store QUICK before I physically hurt that woman..because she could tell I was driven up the wall by her "

" I was in line and heard a sudden crying from a child, I turned to notice the crying ws because the little toddler was afraid of me, the parents were soo upset and the older kid was pointin dad, dad look, but they wouldnt look I was crackling up, I think my laughing made them more annoyed, last quick one, Ok I jus moved to a newneighborhood, and there a lil playground across from me, now I dont speak neg about other peoples un trained, non mannered kidz but they were cussing up a storm so I told hold of my lil ones and said lets go, so the loud mouth of the crew says outloud WATCH YALL MOUTH THERES MOTHR JESUS!!! and that started a lil chant, omgoodness, I wanted to fight them kids lol" Umm Yassin

InshAllah conforme for pegando mais depoimentos eu vou postando inshAllah, para postar o seu mande por comentário (no post acima eu ensino como fazer um comentário. For send me your make a coment (on the top post i teach how to make a coment here)

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